2159 Elm St. #10
(530) 894-0404

2159 Elm St. #10
Chico CA, 95928

1.74 miles from CSU Chico

Office Phone: (530) 894-0404
Office FAX: (530) 894-6984

Located near the Sierra Nevada Brewery, Chico Crossroads, Chapman Elementary School as well as a community park, this four bedroom, two bath condo comes with convenience of location and plenty of space for the whole family. Inside you'll find beautiful LVP flooring (carpeted bedrooms), crown molding, updated fixtures, central HVAC and ceiling fans, an included washer, dryer and refrigerator for your convenience (without warranty). One small pet considered on a case by case basis.

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Units on Property:
4 Bed 2 Bath: Rent: $2,400 Deposit: $2,400

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