2086 Mansfield Ct.
(530) 894-0404

2086 Mansfield Ct.
Chico CA, 95928

2.66 miles from CSU Chico

Office Phone: (530) 894-0404
Office FAX: (530) 894-6984

Spacious and conveniently located, this 1407 square foot, four bedroom, two bathroom home sits on a quiet cul-de-sac road within walking distance to Little Treasures Preschool and is just a short drive away from such businesses as; Staples, Old Navy, Raliberto's, The Village Center and much more. The home features a fenced back yard for relaxing outdoors, central heat and air, as well as ceiling fans to keep you comfortable, tile counters in the kitchen and a gas range. Cat considered on a case by case basis. Don't hesitate. Apply today.

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Units on Property:
4 Bed 2 Bath: Rent: $1,895 Deposit: $1,895

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